"Isthmus is an independent, local news source based in Madison, Wisconsin. Free and online all the time. We believe in great story telling. It's part of our mission at Isthmus. Madison's stories written and edited with great care, have been our focus since 1976."
I was asked to illustrate the April 2024 issue of Isthmus. This was my first time illustrating for a publication and it was so great. I learned a lot from Tommy Washbush's art direction.
"Adria Kaufman, a freelance graphic designer and illustrator, values time outdoors and efforts to grow one’s own food. But she lives in a condo with no yard. Community gardens — the subject of her cover illustration — to the rescue! There are thousands of garden plots communally farmed throughout the city and Dane County. Adria calls them “a great resource for those in the city with limited to no yard to be able to take part!”'— Isthmus